Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): round, circular, globular, assembled, gathered up
Sampla(í) Úsáide: Tá cúig phunta cruinn agam, I have collected five pounds. Bhí scaifte acu cruinn i dtoigh Sheáin, a group of them, were gathered together in Sean’s house. Bhí siad cruinn, all of them (gay sparks, rogues, liars, funny characters, etc.) were there. Bhí Machiavelli agus Tallyrand agus Lloyd- George agus an fear s’againn féin ann – bhí siad cruinn, Machiavelli, Tallyrand, Lloyd-George and our own man were there -–they were all there. Preátaí cruinne, potatoes in their jackets, not mashed.