Is furasta aithint an mi-mhúnadh (3), ill-breeding is easily recognisable. Is furasta aithinte gurb é atá ciontach (3) it is obvious that he is guilty. B'fhurasta aithint (4) that was clear all along.
D'aithin mé air go rabh an smuilc istigh ann (74), I knew by him that he was angry. D'aithin mé go rabh rud eicínt air, I could see that there was something wrong with him.
Thug sé 'un aithint é (4) he recognised him after a while. Chuike cheann acub, tá siad aithnithe ag daoine (4) every one of them (lorries) are recognised by some people. Ba deacair é a aithint, I was difficult to recognise him.
Ní aithním thú - focal adeirtear le coitianta le duine de mhuintir na tíre nach n-aiithneodh an cainteoir. D'aithneóinn é agus a leath dóite, I'd recognise him anywher, I know him well.