Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): cut, strip, strike, pluck, dig, lift
Sampla(í) Úsáide: Bain as, take from, diminish. Bhain sé an corce, he reaped the corn. Bhain sé an mhóin, he cut the turf. Bhain sé na preátaí, he dug (out) the potatoes. Bhain sé an cluiche, he won the game. Níor bhain mé dó, I did not touch him. Níor bhain mé leis, I did not interfere with him. Bhain sé asam é, he provoked me into doing (or saying it). Bhain me as é, I elicited the information from him. Sin an rud a bhain mé as an leitir, that is what gathered from the letter. Bhain sé an baile amach, he reached home. Bhain siad amach an baile, they captured the town. Bhain sé amach punta, he charged a pound. Bain síos amach, go down at once. Bhain sé as amach, he fled. Bhaine taisme dó, he met with an accident. Caidé a bhain duit? What happened you? Bhain sé an glas, he opened the lock. Bhain guala an chnoic díom é, I lost sight of him as he disappeared beyond the slope of the hill. Ní bhaineann sé linn, it does not concern us. Bhain sé faoi sa teach óstu, he stayed at the hotel. Bhain sé díom é, he took it from me. Bhain mé de, I got there before him. Bhain mé deireadh dúile de, I gave up all hope of it. Bainfear as é, he will be punished for it. Bhain me faoi, I pacified him. Bainfidh sin caint as, that will make him talk. Bhain sé seachtmhain asam, it took me a week. Bhain sé póg dí, he snatched a kiss from her. Bhain mé an bláth de, I dimmed his lustre. Bhain sé lán a dhá shúl asam, he looked me all over, he stared me full in the face. Bhain sé a sheal as, he took his turn out of it.